The Madalapanji records that king Bhoja built many ships with local wood.[9] The recovery of many woodworking adzes and other artifacts from Chilika Lake shows that Golabai was a boat-building center.[5]

Terracotta seals from Bangarh and Chandraketugarh (400 BCE to 100 BCE) depict sea going vessels carrying containing corn. The ships have a single mast with a square sail.[3] The earliest depiction of ships in Orissa is in a sculptured frieze showing two ships, found near the Brahmeswar temple, Bhubaneswar, and now preserved in the Orissa State Museum. The first ship has standing elephants in the front part, two people seated in the center and two sailor with oars at the rear steering the ship.[5]

History of Ancient Oriya to Malaya-1st Batch

From June to September the summer monsoons blow from the southwest, from Ceylon towards Kalinga. From December to early March, the retreating monsoons blow in the reverse direction.[10] Southeast Asia has similar seasonal wind patterns.[11] Over Indonesia, in July and August the winds blow from Australia in a northwesterly direction, shifting towards a northeasterly direction as they cross the equator. The pattern reverses during January and February.[12] Early navigators would have exploited these seasonal winds, navigating by the stars, the color of the water, the presence of sea snakes, and observation of the flights of sea crows and other homing birds.

The ships of Kalinga were not able to make long sea voyages without stopping along the way for food and water. Ships outbound from Tamralipti would have followed the Burmese coast, stopping at the Nicobar islands, a one month journey. From there, they continued to the southeast, then sailed down the Malay Peninsula and through the strait of Malacca, and onward to Java or Bali, or headed northeast to Indochina or China. An alternative route was southward down the coast of India, perhaps stopping in Ceylon, then southeast to Sumatra.[3]

Roman aureus struck in AD 36, depicting Tiberius, with Livia as Pax shown on the reverse.

Palur, near the Rushikulya River in the Ganjam district, was an important port in the 2nd century AD. Archaeological exploration has unearthed fragments of Chinese celadon ware, Roman rouletted pottery and amphora pieces, showing that the port carried out significant international trade. An unusual medallion has a Kushana-style king with a Brahmi inscription on one side, and a Roman head with a Roman inscription on the other.[5] A Roman coin of the emperor Tiberius has been found at Salihundam, and other Roman coins have been found at other sites, giving further evidence of trade with the Roman Empire.[3]

Trade with Southeast Asia was established by the 1st century AD, and may have much earlier origins. Later findings include 12th century Ceylonese coins and 14th century Chinese coins. Similar coins from Kotchina in Sumatra point to a triangular trade between Orissa, Ceylon and Sumatra.[3] Trading was not without risks. The kings of Kalinga, Siam and Java had to periodically mount expeditions to put down Malay and Bugis pirates operating in the Straits of Malacca and throughout Maritime Southeast Asia.[14]

Manikapatna was a port on the banks of Chilika that flourished from early historical times until the 19th century AD. Excavations have found many types of pottery from different parts of India, and coins from Ceylon and China. The more modern levels contain Chinese celadon and porcelain, and Arabic glazed pottery. An 18th century Mosque has an inscription saying sailors and traders prayed there before setting out on their voyages.

Oriyas in different Indian states outside Odisha

Migration from Odisha has a long history. The Oriya merchants had trade links with other parts of the country during the ancient and Middle Ages.In modern times, the Oriyas started migrating to different parts of the country mainly for two reasons: education and jobs. There are various social and cultural organizations in various parts of the country which include Oriya Cultural Association[1][2] which is a group of Oriyas in Delhi(Based in Haryana),The Oriya Association Of Delhi(Which owns the Jagannath Temple) and Oriya Mahasangram.[3] The NRO association has even honored Jyoti Kullu former captain of National Hockey Team(women’s) in 2007 on her achievement of the Arjuna Award. The Delhi Oriya Lawyer Association awarded the Trophy.She was honored in a brief function held at the resident of Mr.Jual Oram M.P. and National Vice President of BJP at Delhi. Oram and his wife Jhingia Oram, garlanded Jyoti and congratulated her for her success in the field of sports. Indian diaspora

Orissa News Updates There are a lot of websites all over operated by group of Oriya people such as and give all news and happenings of NROs all over the country.[6] Oriya Songs and Music

Oriya Diaspora

The Oriya diaspora constitute a significant number with distributions in several countries around the world. They are significant in number in countries such as United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, England, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Java, Sumatra and Bali. Presently Oriyas are found in almost all countries of the globe. They maintain close contact among themselves, with the kith and kin around the world albeit relatives back home in Odisha. Being a coastal region [Odisha], maritime trade played an important role in the development of Oriya civilization, where cultural, commercial and political contacts with Southeast Asia, particularly southern Burma, Malaysia and Indonesia were especially extensive.[7] Last 50 years Odisha(odia) already settle down in Malaysia from Ganjam and found that around few villages. Currently most odisha people around state of Negeri Sembilan and Johor (Malaysia)

Oriya Culture in the United States

The Oriya immigrants in the United States have remained attached to their invaluable culture, which finds expression in the traditional festivals and ceremonies. They perform the festivals such as Rath Yatra, Holi, Diwali and New Year in which large number of Oriyas participate. The traditional dance and theater forms of Odisha like Odissi dance and Chhau dance, traditional dramas, stage shows of the story of Ramayana and Mahabharata etc. are also performed in the diaspora. Today specialized dance troupes are invited fromOdisha to perform in several special occasions. While watching these performances, the Oriyas, feel a sense of nostalgia of being a member of the great civilization. Among the well-known performers who have visited the United States are Bagmi Das, Natasha Rao, Sidhartha Mohaptra, Satish Mishra, Mrunali Das, Rajashri Mishra, Prerana Pradhan, Shashwati Das, Suman Ojha etc.

Other International Organizations

There are various Oriya organizations in the CanadaUnited KingdomUnited States and other countries such as: The Orissa Society of Canada, Odisha Society of UK and The Orissa Society Of the Americas.[9][10]

The Indo American Friendship Foundation also supports OSA and its chapters.[11][12] The Odisha Society of the Americas organized their 40th Annual Convention on 3 & 4 July 2009 at Patriots Theater at the War Memorial & Marriott Hotel, Trenton, New Jersey.[13]Other organizations safeguarding Oriya culture abroad include Shri Jagannath Temple Trust, Canada.[14][15]

Beside these country level organizations, there has been attempts to unite all the NROs residing abroad to connect via various online associations. Pravasi Odia.[16] is one of such online association with an objective to reconnect NROs from all over the world.

Non-Resident Oriya Facilitation Center

The Non Resident Oriya Facilitation Center is an organization that works in liaison with the Govt. Of Odisha.[17] The Society takes the form of a Public-Private-People-Partnership and shall have representation of the government, Non-Resident Oriyas (henceforth called NROs) and Association. The “Society” shall take the form of a Public-Private-People-Partnership and shall have representation of the government, NROs and Association .[18]

History of Orissa to Malaysia-2nd Batch by the British

Under the British rule  the Oriya people were brought by the British to Malaya(Malaysia) during the late 1900 the Oriya people from District of Ganjam Orissa now Odisha came as labourers  the author’s maternal grandfather -Bina Naik  act as  an agent to bring the Oriya people to Malaya.

History of  Oriya people  in  Malaysia since 1900 brought by the British

The early Oriya’s came to Negeri Sembilan as we were told by our grandfather to an area call Nilai(Sg Mahang Estate&Kubang Estate-rubber plantation) then followed by Pedas(Ulu Pedas Estate& Batu Hampar Division), and Bahau(Batu Bersawah estate, Jeram Padang Estate& Kepis Division. Some of them came from Thailand , Burma, Sri Lanka, Singapore and neighbouring countries.

History of Gettogether of Oriya people in Malaysia(1960-1970)

The early history of Oriya Association/Society to form a National Body  in the year 1960 & 1970 was initiated by a group of Oriya friends from Kubang Estate-Nilai ,   Mr B.Govindo, Mr Ponchu, Mr Benoo & Mr  Nirakaru with them friends from Pedas-Mr Horia Naik , Mr Hanu, Mr Churia , Mr Chakrapany, Mr Ramoo , Mr Durjho ,Mr Rusi, Mr Bisi, Mr Guru, Mr Kannu and Mr Neculo  and friends from Bahau-Mr Joghu Naik. Mr Achutha, Mr Ghonopothy jointly visited many areas to meet Oriya friends.

Formation of Persatuan Kaum Orissa Malaysia(1970-1990)

Another group of Oriya friends initiated by Mr Bahan Hurushi Naik, Mr Provankar , Mr Gopal Chandram, Mr SatioBano,  Mr Holodhoro, Mr Derbala, Mr Ganga, Mr Ponchu, Mr Karthiko, Mr Nano, Mr Ghonopothy, Mr Sohadevo,Mr Krishan, Mr Rengadhar, Mr Raja, Mr Raghupothy, Mr Gopinath and many others including the early friends from 1960-1970, this too did not sustain due to the tragic  passing of protem President the Late Mr Provankar Konai Naiko. During this period of 30 to 35 years many Oriyas got involve in social services in local and regional bodies to serve our peoples needs.

Formation of Pertubuhan Kebajikan Kaum Oriya Negeri Sembilan(1997)

It was initiated  by Mr Rohitho, Mr Gopal Chandra, Mr Soyono, Mr Ramachandran, Mr Rengadhar, Mr Jeeva, Mr Kiron, Mr Richard, Mr Raja, Mr Gopinath, Mr SonotoKumar, Mr Parikhshit, Mr Suresh Sono, Mr Ravichandran, Mr Ramesh, Mr Montrising  and many others.

6.1 A grand get together was held in 1997 around 500 Oriya friends gathered at Pedas where historically good numbers of attendance recorded.

6.2 Fund raising dinner on 30th August 1999 where YB Dr L. Krishnan Ahli Parliament Teluk Kemang & YB Firdaus Harun Adun Chembong attended at Pedas.

6.3 Ramli Ibrahim our Malaysian Odissi dance perform at Pedas during a gathering at Pedas, a good turnout in 1998.

6.4 Assisted Oriya association in Orissa during the Super Cycloned that hit Orissa, Mr Rohitho and Mr Ramachandran represented the Malaysia Association .

Formation of Persatuan Kaum Orissa Negeri Sembilan(2003)

Initiated by Mr Govinchandran ,Mr Bonasu they too organised many programmes and assisted Oriya people.

Formation of Persatuan Keturunan Orissa Jempol Negeri Sembilan (2008)

Initiated by Mr Sudiro and Mr Raj Kumar with Jempol Oriya association they too serve many Oriya friends in fulfilling their needs.

Formation of Pertubuhan Oriya Malaysia(2004)

There was various discussion, consultation on forming a National Body for Oriya people of Malaysia, as mention earlier lots of challenges faces by the Oriya association in all the above formation, a group of Oriya  friends those who are involved in service oriented organization such as, Malaysian Indian Congress , Malaysian Indian Youth Council, Hindu Youth Organisation, Culture and Association Building individuals and also friends from local, national and regional groups get together and seriously consulted with the guidance from Mr Rajaratnam, Mr Sivakumar, Mr Kiron (MIYC) who invited officially the Oriya friends  and some individuals Oriya friends such as Mr Nirakaro, Mr Rohito Hori, Mr Rengadhar HoriaNaik, Mr Satio Bano, Mr Holodhoro, Mr Richard, Mdm Subhathra, Mr Matho Guruvadia, Mr Parihkshit HoriaNaik, Mr Birosono HoriaNaik, Mr Sureshsono Naina, Mr Ravichandran Naina,Mr Ramesh Naina, Mr Raghupothy Chakrapany, Mr Raghebo Chakrapany, Mr Rajaram Chakrapany, Mr Gopinath Parasuram, Mr Adib Nava Rengadhar, Mr Murali Govindo, Mr  Richard, Mr Raja, Mr Nolendro, Mr Norendro,  and many others who put their valuable thoughts and decided to form a National Oriya body held on the 16th  October 2005 at the Restoran Taj Mahal, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan indeed it was a historical day for many Oriya friends who have gathered.  The consultation  from the gathering resulted and  finalized the official protem committee to run and organised the National body as Pertubuhan Oriya Malaysia/ Oriya Society Malaysia, various meeting were held to form a National body, meeting the Government officials and with /Pertubuhan/ROC, the documentation which took almost more than 2 to 3  years, finally on the 20th April 2007 we got our Certificate, under “Seksyen 7 Akta Pertubuhan, 1966 (0758-07-NSE)

The 1st AGM was organised and our official Patronage Dato YB VS Mogan

History of Oriya people to Malaysia-3rd Batch(at the present time)

The 3rd Batch of Oriya came recently to Study in Malaysia as student and professional, businessmen, IT related jobs in Government and Private organizations. We are compiling  a list of them, it will be completed in our next 2nd Edition of the History of Oriya people in Malaysia. The Oriya from India who assisted us in our forming of Society and also guide us compiling the 1st Edition of the History of Oriya people in Malaysia are Mr Deepak Patra, Mr Bushun Mohanty, Mr Sanjay Panda-Deputy High Commissioner , Dr Pradip Kumar Mishra-Senior Lecturer, Dr Snigdha Mishra-Senior Lecturer, Dr P.C. Misra-Senior Consultant, Mr Manoj Kumar, Mr Deepak Pattnaik, Mr Biswajeet Pradhan, Mr Rakesh Roy, Mr Maheswar Behera, Mr K.AnupAir India, Mr Rath-Indian Airlines, Mr Sandeep Mohapatra, Mr Umakanth Mohapatra, Mr Umesh Maharana, Mr Biswarnajan Pradhan, Mr Ashok Jena, Mr Debasish Mahapatra, Abhiram Nanda, Ajaya Sahoo-ICC and many others who assist in our development of Oriya association in  Malaysia.

Programme organised by Society(OSM)

12.1  Activities for the passed decades organised by the  our Oriya friends from Pedas,Bahau, Kuala Pilah and Seremban, especially during festive season like Deepavalli, Holi and programmes for elderly and retired people.

12.2 Another good turnout of 300 Oriyas attended Holi Festival 18th March 2006 at Pedas.

12.3 Educational programme were also held and Pedas for Form 3&5 student on November 2006 the programme was jointly organised by Lua Management 35 students benefited from the programme the OSM thanks 2 lecturers Mr Sathasivam & MrRengadhar .

12.4  Deepavalli dinner on 4th November 2007, around 200 oriya friends attended with the Blessing of YB Dato Mogan at Pedas

12.5.Visits of Notable from 2007 The Notable Honourable Minister of Fisheries ARA textiles & handloom SJ Golok Bihari Nayak , invited by the Agenda Suria communication on 5th Global Indian Shopping festival at Midvalley KL. A token of appreciation was presented by the President Mr Keluan Singh & Advisor Mr Rengadhar, followed by a visit to Pedas.

12.6 Visit of Psychologist from Canada, in 2008 a Psychologist Dr Purohit and his wife visited her daughter who teaches English at International School, Dr Purohit visited some oriya families at Negeri Sembilan and KL.

12.7 In its  recent Indian Global Festival 2014, two Oriya official namely Mr Bhoi and Mr Ashuman government representative were here and meet few Oriya friends.

12.8 Another group of Odia invited by Dato Ramli Ibrahim were Dr JB Das, his family members and Mr Dinanath

12.8 Holi festival in 2014 & 2015 was celebrated approximately 300 to 400 attended, dear  friends you may go to rengadhar horia ‘s facebook to find pictures and videos. The celebration of  Holi 2015 officially celebrated at Bahau, Pedas and many other places.

12.9 In the recent development 2015&2016, we attended various programs organized by Indian High Commision with ICC.

Our sincere thanks to Mr. Rengadhar Horia Naik and everyone else who have assisted him writing the Oriya history and also courtesy from various websites.



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